Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 5 seconds

Natural Highs 

Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 5 seconds

I’m inspired to write a positive post here because boy, do I need it, and I have Rebecca Hogue to thank – an old blogpost of hers I was re-reading reminded me I hadn’t read that book I bought at the time, on Chocolate and Morphine… Instead, it inspired me to reflect on my personal highs. They’re going to be diverse, OK?

  1. Getting a kiss from a child (not necessarily my own)
  2. Cinnamon. On anything. Anywhere 
  3. The little DM notification on my phone. Sue me
  4. When students share something with me in confidence
  5. Hugs from ppl i love
  6. Getting invited to speak at events, even if most of the time I can’t go (it then often converts to a low)
  7. A good Virtually Connecting session (especially the pre and after-shows that aren’t recorded)
  8. Being surrounded by my extended family. Even if it’s for sad reasons
  9. Reading a good book. Simply buying books, esp children’s books
  10. Dancing. Oh dancing.
  11. Flowers. Oh flowers
  12. Watching Rafael Nadal win a tennis match. Not so great when he loses tho
  13. When I make something useful out of what would have been trash
  14. When I find out something I did helped someone, whether intentionally or not
  15. Teaching a good class or workshop 

I’ll add more later…what are yours?

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