Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 5 seconds
I’m inspired to write a positive post here because boy, do I need it, and I have Rebecca Hogue to thank – an old blogpost of hers I was re-reading reminded me I hadn’t read that book I bought at the time, on Chocolate and Morphine… Instead, it inspired me to reflect on my personal highs. They’re going to be diverse, OK?
- Getting a kiss from a child (not necessarily my own)
- Cinnamon. On anything. Anywhere
- The little DM notification on my phone. Sue me
- When students share something with me in confidence
- Hugs from ppl i love
- Getting invited to speak at events, even if most of the time I can’t go (it then often converts to a low)
- A good Virtually Connecting session (especially the pre and after-shows that aren’t recorded)
- Being surrounded by my extended family. Even if it’s for sad reasons
- Reading a good book. Simply buying books, esp children’s books
- Dancing. Oh dancing.
- Flowers. Oh flowers
- Watching Rafael Nadal win a tennis match. Not so great when he loses tho
- When I make something useful out of what would have been trash
- When I find out something I did helped someone, whether intentionally or not
- Teaching a good class or workshop
I’ll add more later…what are yours?
Riding my bike, especially with my girls in tow.
Oh that sounds lile fun!