Conferences & Journal Activities
- Organizing committee member, OER19
- Organizing committee member, AMICAL (vice chair as of 2020)
- Advisory board member of INASP (2020- present)
- Advisory board member of Knowledge Equity Lab, University of Toronto (2020-present)
- Advisory board member of OneHE (2019-present)
- Editorial board member International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (ETHE).(January 2019-present)
- Advisory board member, Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange (201?-present)
- Organizing committee member, OpenEd18
- Organizing committee member, OER18
- Editorial board member, Online Learning Journal, 2017-present
- Editorial board member, Teaching in Higher Education, 2017-present
- Steering committee member, ALTC 2017
- International Director, Digital Pedagogy Lab, 2016 – 2017
- Organizer, Digital Pedagogy Lab Cairo: An AMICAL Institute, 2016.
- Editor, Hybrid Pedagogy. Since June 2015-present
- Steering committee member, 8th Annual Emerging Technologies in Online Learning Symposium, (August 2014-April 2015)
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Pedagogic Development (Jan 2014-present)
- Editorial Board Member, Learning, Media & Technology Journal
- Co-organized Open Access events at AUC, April 2014, 2017, November 2018
- Occasional peer reviewer for:
Video Appearances/Webinars
- Webinar on Emerging technologies and creativity research lab speaker series. Oklahoma State University.
- Session on Inclusion. Teaching Complexity series. University of the Arts, London (with Bonnie Stewart and Chris Gilliard)
- Interviewed for Leaders and Legends of Online Learning podcast
- Invited guest with Stephen Downes speaking about identity for #el30
- DMLL interview “What is the Open Web?”
- Multiple guest talks for Rebus Community including topics of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in OER… and choosing CC licenses.
- #OpenEdSIG Webinar. #OER17: Keynoting: a personal perspective on open practice.
- The Self as an OpenEducational Resource. Go-Gn (with Suzan Koseoglu)
- Publishing in the Open: Pathways to Open Access Scholarship. Emerge Africa (with Laura Czerniewicz)
- Frequent appearances on Virtually connecting channel
- #moocmooc Critical Pedagogy Hangout w Audrey Watters, Jesse, Sean, Chris and RL Widmann
- Howard Rheingold interviews me for DML , published October 2014
- Sloan-C interview me on virtual conference participation, published May 2014
- Me (with Sarah Honeychurch) crowd-source interviewing Dave Cormier, for JPD.
Podcast Guest Appearances
Maha Bali, Nothing Never Happens podcast. Nurturing Student Agency Part 1 & Part 2
- Maha Bali, Asao Inoue and Jesse Stommel on Teachers Going Gradeless podcast with Arthur Chivarelli. College Under COVID-19 Part 1 & Part 2
- Maha Bali, Asao Inoue and Jesse Stommel on Teachers Going Gradeless podcast with Arthur Chivarelli. College Under COVID-19 Part 1 & Part 2
- Guest, Leaders and Legends of Online Learning podcast.
- Guest, Gettin’ Air podcast with Terry Greene for eCampus Ontario.
- Leading Lines episode 26 on digital literacies
- Pushing the Edge with Greg Curran: Complicating Diversity and Inclusion
- Invited to the Teaching in Higher Education podcast many times,
- brief story in the Failure episode (won manure award) - Collaboration episode - Intercultural Learning episode
- Changing our minds about teaching (200th episode, ensemble).
- brief story in the Failure episode (won manure award)
- HybridPod
- Episode 7: Collaboration (with Sarah Honeychurch and Kevin Hodgson)
- Episode 2: Compassion