What Makes this MOOCaholic Complete MOOCs

I’m going to keep this post as short and punchy as possible, to get it out quickly. It is part of a new emerging researc

Serendipity, students, and revamping higher education

I have had a serendipitous few days that made me realize something that for some reason had not occurred to me: if I care to r

Social media friends are my new books: re-flipping the flip

Today, my thoughts have been inspired by a combination of things that happened on social media. This is a terribly non-linear

The Main Responsibility of Teachers? Make yourself dispensable!

When I read this week’s prompt for #rhizo14, my first thought was “but isn’t that the point of teaching?”

The Five Languages of Social Media Engagement: secrets to online communities

This is just a light brief post mimicking the title from the book “The Five Love Languages: secrets to love that lasts&#

Reflections on the possibilities and potentials of the Arab MOOC Edraak

We just had a couple of energizing and inspiring days in my university, as the makers of the first non-profit Arab MOOC, Edraa

Books: how do they ever get published?

I love books, I love reading. I love the feel of them, the smell of them. I read almost anything and everything, in any format

What My Toddler Teaches Me About Uncertainty

I’ve been thinking about this post all day, and reading other people’s blogs has helped me clarify my ideas furthe

Chaos, safety, vulnerability, and community in massive online interaction

I just participated in the first #moocmooc live Twitter chat on #FutureEd. I wasn’t sure what the topic would be, but it

My Favorite Teacher?

Cathy Davidson encouraged us in #FutureEd to share who is our fave teacher and why… I had a couple of people in mind, bu