Reflecting on Papert, Palmer and Freire

I’ve been reading several books in parallel these days (I haven’t managed to read a non-fiction book in a linear m

#fedwiki and the Genius of Intrinsic Motivation

I have been thinking a lot about intrinsic motivation lately, coupled with the idea of emotional involvement in learning as I

#Fedwiki like it’s 1973 – on context, voice, and getting heard

I wanted to give a clear example of something I have been talking about on #fedwiki, following Mike Caulfield’s style in

Content-free Learning, Scale, and #fedwikihappening

I’ve written a lot about my preference for curriculum that is not centered on content, but it rather centered on value-l

People in my #fedwikihappening neighborhood are showing me the world as I’d like to see it

The title of this post is inspired by a blogpost by Alyson Indrunas (the title of which is actually inspired by a comment I wr

2014 And My Love/Hate iPad Relationship

I love my iPad (ok both of them, I also have a mini, and also my Android phone). But I also hate it. I love it because I could

Unhangout & learning on #FedWikiHappening

So, wow, it’s been a week since Fedwikihappening has started. Can’t believe it’s been a week! Feels like I h

Sofia the First, Princes Things, and #FedWikiHappening

I’ve been wanting go blog about this episode of Sofia the First ever since I first saw it (a year ago?) – it’

How I’m Feeling about #FedWikiHappening

This is one of the most interesting experiences I have ever had, and yet it has elements similar to lots of other experiences

Pondering politeness in #fedwikihappening

So for some reason i found myself wondering if the rules of politeness change in things like wikis and even more so (but diffe