UCT Keynote and more

I was invited (thanks to Laura Czerniewicz, director of CILT at UCT) to Cape Town in August 2019.

I’m using this page to share out all my slides. These are on Google slides and open for commenting, and I’m always updating them!

The plan for August 14th includes:

  • Workshop on Open Pedagogy with the University of Cape Town CILT members. This will hopefully be interactive. Slides are still in the works, and build on slides I had used with Robin DeRosa at AMICAL earlier this year. Here: http://bit.ly/OpenPedUCT
  • A seminar on Reimagining Digital Literacies from a Feminist Perspective in a Postcolonial Context – this seminar is happening locally at UCT 1-2pm, but will also be livestreamed via e/Merge Africa. Slides here: http://bit.ly/femdiglit and to join the session virtually, sign up here.

Updated after the event, link to watch:


The plan for August 15th (for me) is:

  • A keynote at the Symposium: Making a plan – the reality of growing new forms of digital teaching and learning provision (organized by Laura Czerniewicz and Sukaina Walji). My keynote is entitled Equity Before Innovation: Challenges & Opportunities for Digital Education in a Globalized World. Slides are here: http://bit.ly/UCTAug15 and to join the livestreamed version via e/Merge Africa, sign up here.

Updated: link to watch recording: