Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 53 seconds

Q&A with @DaveCormier for @JPDUoB

Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 53 seconds

Would you like to participate in a Q&A with Dave Cormier?

I am conducting an interview with Dave Cormier for the Journal of Pedagogic Development, an open access journal on whose editorial board I currently serve. The focus of the interview is rhizomatic learning and #rhizo14, the recent open online course he facilitated, in which I was a participant.

We’ve already had a few exchanges and I have a draft interview ready, but I thought it might be interesting to also “crowdsource” some interview questions: give anyone online the chance to ask Dave questions, with the possibility of these questions being answered by Dave on a hangout, or in the text of the final interview that gets published on JPD.

How do I propose to do this? Three possible ways:

1. Pose question as a comment on this blog post (deadline April 24 at 6pm EST)

2. Pose a question on Twitter, using the Twitter handle for the journal @jpduob (or hashtag #askjpd)

3. Retweet or favorite other people’s questions that you would like answered to let Dave and I know you’d like them prioritized

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Imagine: CC-BY-SA Libby Levi for – From:

What happens after questions have been posed?

1. I will produce a storify of all the questions, attributing the person asking the questions

2. Dave will select some of the questions and answer them on video. I have given him freedom to choose which questions to answer. This will take place Friday April 25 10am Atlantic time (=9am EST =1pm GMT = 2pm British time) on a Google Hangout hosted by Dave, and facilitated by me.

3. I will take some of these questions/answers and include them in the text of the interview that will be published in an upcoming issue of JPD. Let me know if you’d like to get a link to the published interview.

Special thanks to Sarah Honeychurch who agreed to be my “backup” facilitator in case I have connectivity issues 🙂

Post note, added after the Hangout: here is the link to the YouTube video of the hangout

Here is the Storify of the questions (note that some questions were posted on my .com blog, and some here, as well as on Twitter)

9 thoughts on “Q&A with @DaveCormier for @JPDUoB

  1. I’m interested in starting up a cMOOC myself. I’m an elementary teacher with no other academic credentials, but I want to get together a sizable group of people who want to study current trends in modern poetry, and then go out and do it together. Is this feasible? What tools would you recommend?

  2. In his book On Complexity, Edgar Morin says that we must learn to define from the inside out, and not only from the outside in. How is the community as curriculum an instance of defining a class from the inside rather than from the outside? What will be the impact on higher education of defining from the inside?

  3. Hi Maha!
    Hoping to have understood what rhizomatic learning is, here are my questions.
    I’m pretty sure I’m having an experience of rhizomatic learning in the MOOC I’m taking these days.

    – MOOCs seems to be by definition the most fertile environment for rhizomatic learning, however they have a “fixed path” and in some cases flourishing of rhizomes are seen as off-topic divagation and, more often than we think, discouraged.
    – Students, me first, tend to engage in what is more rewarding, fun, exciting and this is understandable.

    Given that are there some boundaries? Is it possible that at some points rhizomatic learning, which is by nature uncontrolled, can become a problem for the learning community?

    If rhizomatic learning needs some channeling isn’t this opposite to it’s philosophy?

    Last one: in a course with a specific target and with a desired outcome, in other word, you have to pass exams 🙂 , how rhizomatic learning apply avoiding the risk to become misleading?

    I’m fully aware that all my questions can be answered with THE single sentence like “You didn’t understood what rhizomatic learning is”.

    I’ll take the risk 🙂

    Thank you

    1. Good questions, Mauro! We all took the rhizomatic learning course and are still not sure what it is 🙂 but all your questions are relevant, well-taken, and even if they misunderstand rhizomatic learning, will be helpful to a general audience who do not know it closely, anyway. You seem to have a good grasp of it (considering it is not v graspable) and your questions are important and relevant ones. Thanks!

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