Maha Bali’s blog about education
Are you wondering how well AI tools like ChatGPT can generate text in response to the writing assignments you give? Could or s
I just asked this question on Twitter, and am posting it here as a blogpost so folks can go and read the awesome responses it&
I just recently registered for a writing for Love and Liberation course, and they send weekly (?) writing prompts and inspirat
A colleague at work recently asked me for tips on how I write so quickly. Others had recently talked about how working togethe
In case you missed my first post about this, I am blogging an unpublished paper as a series in parts over several days. You c
In case you missed my first post discussing this process, I am blogging an unpublished paper as a series in parts over severa
In case you missed my first post, I am blogging an unpublished paper as a series in parts over several days. You can read tha