Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 23 seconds

My MOOC will go on and on? Dealing with withdrawal symptoms

Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 23 seconds

I write this post as we near the end of #tvsz – and I usually start getting withdrawal symptoms as something like this “ends”, and so over the past year or so, since I have started engaging with MOOCs and social media, I have created my own mechanisms for dealing with the withdrawal symptoms…

So here is a list for #clmooc that’s reflecting on the ending of #tvsz

1. Beg for the community to continue. Campaign for this really hard
#rhizo14 is the perfect example of this community that continued beyond the course… Mostly on facebook.

2. Do research about it
This kind of keeps you engaged with the people and the thing, even if it is over. I did this with #edcmooc and we’re still doing it with #rhizo14, though with rhizo, the research is just one of the things keeping it going. I think it was gonna keep going regardless

3. Create your own version of it
There is already talk about a new run of #tvsz for my course in the fall, and Andrea Rehn’s. Even cooler, #clmooc folks like @dogtrax are thinking of remixing it for one of the #clmooc makes. That feels like the #tvsz game/micro-mooc will go on and on 🙂 evolving, metamorphing, replicated, recreated

4. Follow the people and see what you find…
Best tip: follow the people you’ve met in the MOOC and they will lead you to “more where that came from”. I said in an earlier post that there are some people I will follow anywhere necause I ow we have common interests or professional paradigms, or they are just so cool!

I’ll stop for now 🙂

Wimbledon on TV and all that…

4 thoughts on “My MOOC will go on and on? Dealing with withdrawal symptoms

  1. My experience of MOOCs is they tend to flow into different interest streams I didn’t have before each one. People talk about the “usefulness” of MOOCs to give some justification what might seem like fooling around to the bean counters but I find primarily that each MOOC changes me. Education is often described as “life changing” yet for many of us who don’t connect well to the system this change goes virtually unnoticed. MOOCs on the other hand alter my viewpoint, give me tools for understanding, tolerances and the inescapable need to know more about everything.

    This doesn’t come in a package or in some formal network criteria, it emerges like life.

    So how is the research working Maha? I found something cool as a resource plus it had something on motherhood and ethnography that you and Clarissa might like?

    Dr Phyllis Chesler “With Child: A Diary of Motherhood, (New York: Cromwell, 1979)

    Quoted in: “Researching Lived Experience: science for an action sensitive pedagogy” Max Van Manen SUNY Press 1990
    From chapter “Investigating Experience as We Live It”

    “Last night, lying in a hot, white foamed tub, I was suddenly pregnant with you again. I wept, aware that you no longer slept beneath my heart.

    It was you – Ariel—in there, in me. I didn’t know that. Will I grow sad every year in winter, when you leave me to be born? This soft belly, rounded still, with your footprint. Proof of your origin, your passage through. Here, here is where you walked, without setting foot on earth. Your first moon, little astronaut. Because of you, I’ll return to Earth, transformed: no longer a virgin, but a mother, married to a child.

    Together we have engaged on alchemy.

    Know, Ariel: We have always been separate. While I was pregnant. During labour. From the moment you were born. Always I had some sense of your utter separate reality.

    And who could be closer than we two? (pp. 281, 282)”

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