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Rethinking Education: 5am thoughts for an upcoming panel

I’m part of a panel this Thursday, Sept 10th on Rethinking Education in Egypt. The panel will be in Arabic. Here is the

Curating Teaching Experiences During COVID-19 #PivotOnline

NewsletterSo I just finished curating some good practices of emergency online teaching at my institution. Here is the newslett

True Story of Micro, Macro and Hypocrisy

True story, with a few facts modified slightly Conversations with person who knows me well, but teaches at another institution

Separation Anxiety – and Gratitude for a Beautiful Class

This post is about how I feel about my class this semester. There’s something extra special about the feel of this class

Discovering Palestinian Culture in Educational Theory – Munir Fasheh

May the walls of your cocoon, Be just thick enough, To allow you to struggle, Just long enough, to emerge, The beautiful perso

100 Years of AUC

Yesterday, my university, my alma mater started its Centennial celebrations- the first of many events happening over the comin

Quick Cynefin Example

I need a quick Cynefin example to use in a session with educators who are not necessarily academics so I need simple language

Yes, But… Addressing Complexity in Egypt’s New Educational Reforms

I’ve been asked to participate in a panel on Monday with two other educators/researchers responding to the new education

My Final (Teaching) Reflection for Fall 2017 Part 1/3

This reflection has been on my mind for a while, and I thought I would write it here and do it this way.  Background 

Hidden Curriculum of a Cartoon

This is a good school-related story gone bad. I was at first elated when my kid told me about a cartoon her teacher showed in