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Reminders About Rankings n Quality 

There is no reason for me to explain why I hate University rankings. Or is there? Today, I attended a talk by Professor K

A Day of Floating and Grounding at @RISEEgypt Solutions Summit

Yesterday, I spent the day at a conference/gathering, part of RISE () Egypt. I knew some of the team from before, and had been

Way to Turn Kids Off Learning 

So my kid is walking evidence of the importance of affect in learning. She’ll learn better if she likes the teacher. I&#

Brainstorming a Workshop on Curriculum Theory and Future Trends in Education 

I’ve been asked to give a f2f workshop to young(ish) enterprising ppl interested in education. As far as I understand, t

Possible discussion topic for class: Internet censorship 

I may decide to discuss internet censorship in my class this semester. I recently discovered that Medium is blocked in Egypt (

Reflections on a Critical Pedagogy Workshop 

I had a really interesting and enriching working day today. I was asked to (for the second time) offer a workshop on critical

Towards Equitable Digital Learning in Developing Countries 

I’m writing this in preparation for something else I’m involved in. Writing it out will help me solidify my thinki

5 Reasons Why e-textbooks in Egypt Would Be Inequitable 

I just read about the decision to stop printing Egyptian school textbooks and instead replace them with digital ones. I s

An Open Letter to My Kid’s Teacher on Homework

I actually wrote an Arabic version of this for my kid’s Arabic teacher. Dear Teacher  I know you care about my chil

Designing Playful Learning for Kids – assignment idea

(I hit publish too soon before I even wrote anything here, so I’m sorry if you got a blank copy of this blogpost in your