Maha Bali’s blog about education
I love watching tennis, though I’ve never played tennis. What fascinates me the most is how often professional tennis pl
What happens when you have a valuable but very very visual activity and you have people in the room who are blind? (I say blin
I don’t know if students realize how stressful grading time is for faculty. Even for someone like me, who uses ungrading
Last week was possibly the most fulfilling week of my life. From an idea that came up in a voice note exchange with a friend,
So I have been giving talks around AI all over the place recently, and I thought I might as well at least share ONE of the rec
For some reason, I feel compelled to write this post. I’m not sure why. I tell these three stories often, to say that ev
In case you missed my first post, I am blogging an unpublished paper as a series in parts over several days. You can read tha
So I am doing something that I don’t think anyone has done before, and I have reasons, and I’d love for you to joi
In class today, I asked students to vote on what they wanted to talk about for the day, and we worked on a Google doc together
Today at 6pm UTC join the Teach-In #AgainstSurveillance to support Ian Linkletter – to donate, register, and find out mo