What Double Faults Remind Us About Learning

I love watching tennis, though I’ve never played tennis. What fascinates me the most is how often professional tennis pl

Intenionally Adapting for Accessibility: Drawing with Students Who are Visually Impaired (QuickDraw)

What happens when you have a valuable but very very visual activity and you have people in the room who are blind? (I say blin

Teachers Are Human Beings, Too (a grading time post)

I don’t know if students realize how stressful grading time is for faculty. Even for someone like me, who uses ungrading

Most Fulfilling Week of My Life: Alwan Masr Camp

Last week was possibly the most fulfilling week of my life. From an idea that came up in a voice note exchange with a friend,

Promoting Critical AI Literacies in Egypt

So I have been giving talks around AI all over the place recently, and I thought I might as well at least share ONE of the rec

Plant, Bubble Sort, Ex: Three Times I Violated Academic Integrity When Younger

For some reason, I feel compelled to write this post. I’m not sure why. I tell these three stories often, to say that ev

Blogging an Unpublished Paper: South African & Egyptian Academic Developers’ Perceptions of AI in Education Part 7: Attitudes Towards Automated Essay Grading

In case you missed my first post, I am blogging an unpublished paper as a series in parts over several days. You can read tha

Blogging an Unpublished Paper: South African & Egyptian Academic Developers’ Perceptions of AI in Education: Process

So I am doing something that I don’t think anyone has done before, and I have reasons, and I’d love for you to joi

Tips by @AUC Students for Teaching/Learning Online (esp during Ramadan)

In class today, I asked students to vote on what they wanted to talk about for the day, and we worked on a Google doc together

Join the Teach-In #AgainstSurveillance Dec 1st

Today at 6pm UTC join the Teach-In #AgainstSurveillance to support Ian Linkletter – to donate, register, and find out mo