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Small is Beautiful – Making it Work

I’ve been invited to this really interesting “thing”, and heard someone refer to it as a mini-MOOC on twitte

Best Assignment Ever: Liquid Syllabus

I think I just ran the most amazing assignment ever. I asked my students to liquefy the syllabus of our course. Thanks to the

Inside info on the open web: From 0 to 3 MOOCs

Just about 3 days ago, I was saying I didn’t have any MOOCs planned for Jan/Feb and i’ve suddenly gone from Zero t

Hello? The Real Point of Doing a cMOOC is…

Hello? Why again were you taking that cMOOC? You liked the topic? Oh you wanted some good readings on the topic? You could hav

@dogtrax rocks

This is my first WP post from my phone I just wanted to say Kevin Hodgson (dogtrax) rocks Not only has he been doing cartoons

Reporting on my Class Hack-a-thon

I blogged about my plans to do a hack-a-thon in my class and I did so yday. I started by asking what the word “hack̶

Words of wisdom from @sensor63 & @cogdog

Sometimes someone writes something so quotable and you don’t have a full reflective blogpost to write about it, not yet.

Class idea: Edu Game Hack-a-thon

So I came across this really simple but interesting post about educational games (funny I got the tweet thru a work colleague

Good “virgin” cMOOCs & good “makes”

This post is a complex (but rather obvious, really) epiphany inspired by blogposts Alan Levine and Paul Signorelli (though pro

Reframing f2f vs 3D

I remember I first noticed the term meeting someone in 3D on twitter (i think it was @adamheid who used it) and thinking: WOAH