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Emergent writing, emergent teaching

I was having a conversation with Michael Weller on twitter the other day, about our different approaches to writing, and it oc

Thoughts on co-learning

I’m really excited about the upcoming unit in #ccourses about co-learning. And with Howard Rheingold, Mia Zamora and Ale

Beautiful, Supportive Anger

It began with an angry post of Susan’s, followed by a slew of support, which created this thank you post by Susan. Then

The people behind the writer I am

I’ve had a couple of writing dreams come true in the space of a few weeks (you’ll find out what they are soon). I

My #digiwrimo goals: tying loose ends

I’m REALLY excited about Digital Writing Month (#digiwrimo) – aren’t you? You should be, coz I have a guest

On Gendered Gamed & Toys

My daughter daily defeats gender stereotypes in her own little ways. Like today, she had her lego mermaid figurine sit inside

Humans as Tools (old story of social research)

Isn’t it amazing how kids use their parents’ bodies as tools to play with? I read about this before i was a mom, a

Mindful (in) attention post 3 – on breast cancer

OK, just a quick post on something that happened yday. I went over to my mom’s with my daughter just before an outing wi

Distractions distractions: mindful (in)attention post 2

This morning I got into the car on the way to work, planning to ignore email and twitter, to sit on my iPad that is NOT connec

Mindful (in)Attention post #1

So I am doing Andrea Rehn’s assignment (ahem) to respond to Alan Levine’s post – and I ended up spending clo