Flipping the Microcredentialing Conversation

Yesterday, in an interview with someone asking about my expertise in online learning and Women’s empowerment, I found my

From Twitter Thread to Model to Keynote #OpenEd20 & #MandL20

The recent equity/care model Mia Zamora and I came up with for our #OpenEd20 keynote, which builds on a Twitter thread I start

On Facing Hate

Tragic events like the recent shootings targeting Muslims during Friday prayers in Christchurch, New Zealand, often make us st

Join Us for #UnboundEq Twitter Scavenger Hunts – Sept 17 & 20

If you only have time to participate in a one-hour fun intercultural learning experience, and make my students *very* happy

Upcoming talk about Remote PhD Supervision

You gotta love your PLN. I was working today on my slides (draft here, comment access) for an upcoming virtual presentation I&

Too Critical, Not Critical Enough

This post is a response to the work of 3 great people I respect. I’m going to link all the things now so I can focus on

Empathy and Excuses in Class

So I read about an exercise called Empathy and Excuses in this article and I decided to do a pair then full group activity to

Join me in Reviving Twitter Scavenger Hunt for Intercultural Learning Class

I’ve been doing Twitter Scavenger Hunts on and off for several years now in my educational game design module. Now that

Invitation to #FlipIntercultural: Flipping the Script on Intercultural Learning #Unicollaboration 

I was invited to give a keynote at the upcoming Uni-Collaboration conference in Krakow, Poland. Although Sarah Guth (who invit

Home and Away: Rambling thoughts on hybridity, home and hospitality #DigCiz

Rambling post ahead, about all the different places we choose to make and spaces we choose to exist in, and how we bring diffe