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So our first semester of Equity Unbound is about to end (one theme to go) and we are hoping to continue it beyond this semester (I will definitely keep using it for my own teaching) and we would love to get feedback from those who used it or participated in any way.
So we sent out a series of tweets, starting here
If you participated in #unboundeq we would love feedback … one more theme to go.
It's been an honor working with @MiaZamoraPhD @catherinecronin on @UnboundEq and having active open & student participants. So I'll post a set of questions. Plz hit reply & incl #unboundeq— ℳąhą Bąℓi, PhD مها بالي 🌵 (@Bali_Maha) November 29, 2018
Please respond to whichever of these you like and help us amplify the feedback process.
Also please do contribute ideas on
Thanks in advance