Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 6 seconds
So I really should do something about my students blogs and make sure they use images and materials within fair use. And check some other stuff…and so thinking of doing this as a game. It’s probably not gonna be a really advanced game but I also don’t want it to be a silly true/false game and I don’t want to teach something then test them on it (coz that isn’t a game).
So first of all – I am thinking of making it a pair game so that
- use of devices isn’t a problem (if one student doesn’t have a device on them to connect to wifi)
- One member of the pair answers questions, the other searches the internet (if both have devices ; if only one, they can use a different browser tab; it should be ok either way)
- They discuss their knowledge/answers and learn that way
I think instead of asking theoretical questions only I could ask practical ones related to stuff they already do on their blogs. Maybe even some non-copyright related questions like how to embed a YouTube video into their blog. So just a collection of little things I would like them to know/do but I want to see if they already know/do or can find out on their own without me just telling em a list of things to do.
Still thinking of how to do it in a non-drill-practice type of way. Could have some open-ended questions for some parts. Or questions where they need to try/search things and come back maybe? Maybe it’s a webquest game where they look at other people’s websites and figure out what they have done with images they’re inserting into their blogposts?
Still thinking…
Maybe even they do things like…reverse image seatch to check the source of an image. Or maybe they do some of this play on Twitter with others? Hmm still thinking
Any ideas or links to good games that already do this are welcome.
For me, the key is that there’s already a lot of good free open access stuff out there. Restricting oneself to just CC license images means you get a little more creative because your choices are different
Ok. I spent a half hour brainstorming and some of the questions are empathy/role play questions about how they would feel if…
And some questions are about what they already do or what they should do (open ended). So to stir discussion
Fair Use is tricky, people tend to think it’s a law or a rule with some magic formula for what you can do with content. It’s really a provision (in some countries) you can use to justify your use of something not openly licensed. It’s up to a judge’s discretion to decide.
If students use open-licensed content, and attribute as specified, then they do not have to make a case for fair use.
I like and will be using this Mozilla Teaching Kit activity, the Fair Use Free For All
You don’t have to use the Thimble thing, students just find an image that is open licensed, one that the can make a case for using under fair use, and one totally copyrighted. Then their partner has to try and guess which one is which.
And not to toot my horn, but I made one for Mozilla called “Image Seeking for Fantastic Metaphors” The concept is finding photos of specific objects (e.g an elephant, a balloon) is easy to do wit descriptive keywords, but less literal concepts ideas (e.g. honesty, fairness, pain) require a different strategy. Again, the thimble I made is way too complex, but the questions I use can be used in other ways as an activity.
Sorry took me a while to approve this comment (phone wouldn’t log me in and i have my WP setup to ask for approval if a comment has lots of links). Thanks Alan – you had shared much of this with me before. The image search thing you have is what helped me initially brainstorm how to pick an image for a thing. It helps a LOT and have never been paralyzed for an image before (I see how that could help students too)
I love that you are thinking aloud on this challenge as usual Maha. This helps underline that the process for educators supporting students is not straightforward! You reminded me of a presentation shared by @mgraffin and made by his primary age students to teach each other about image rights on the web;
I thne remixed it for language tutors
Yes, it’s tricky but working together we can do it 🙂
Thank Teresa! This will help