Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 24 seconds

Learning Through Windows & Mirrors & Maps

Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 24 seconds

I read this post on curriculum as windows & mirrors today (thanx to Sherri for sharing) and thought it was worth capturing this quick thought:

We learn through windows looking out beyond our walls
We learn by reflecting in our own mirrors
And sometimes a window becomes a mirror. Quote from the post:

At this point, I would link hearing and seeing to emphasize a further aspect of shared framing. The delightful truth is that sometimes when we hear another out, glancing through the window of their humanity, we can see our own image reflected in the glass of their window. The window becomes a mirror! And it is the shared humanity of our conversation that most impresses us even as we attend to our different frames of reference.

So beautifully said. I wonder, also, how one could take this idea even further towards mapping (using Keith Hamon’s interpretation of D&G coz i am lazy that way, but if ur into D&G it’s called decalcomania i think): a map is something not intended to be identical, it’s not a tracing, so definitely not a mirror. Mirrors can distort, anyway, and so can windows. Maps, i think, are interesting as we create them together, as we learn together…and come up with something even more interesting than just a window or a mirror, I think 🙂

Grateful to all my online friends who provide windows and mirrors and maps for me every day… And for some reason thinking especially of Barry Dyck coz i sense he’s thinking of something similar today 🙂

P.S. This post soooo needs an image but i can’t find just the right one so i will publish anyway

One thought on “Learning Through Windows & Mirrors & Maps

  1. Psychic. I was thinking about decalcomania and wondering about how to write about it amidst all the discussion of maps and journey and such. We read others’ words and sentences and are left with an impression (or many impressions), which may approximate, but does not replicate the ideas of the other. It is so contextual. I can’t even take my mind back to a thought I have previously expressed. The territory, the neural network, constantly changes. The rhizome mind is constantly pruning, growing, making new connections and now is connected to the digital network–hooray connectivism for giving language for the idea of knowledge and the mind in the digital age. Impressive growth (:

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