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So my students just submitted the first draft of their digital game prototypes – feedback from anyone anywhere in the world is welcome! Post comments for them on their blogs if you can 🙂 Keep in mind they are not game designers and this is not a game design course – it is a digital literacies and intercultural learning course, and these games are meant to raise awareness about somehing they care about.
Love these topics! It’s great to see what your student are passionate about.
Some of the Google Forms games I couldn’t access because of the current permissions settings, but I got to play through the ones I could and they were excellent. What an awesome group of students you have this semester. 🙂
Yes, they are! They are older than my previous group but have had less to learn about games beyond this format. Thanks so much for trying them, Keegan! I’ve sent them links to your previous student (by students or faculty?) games as well – next semester I may choose some to add to my list of games they play before designing their own
Sounds wonderful Maha. 🙂
I’ve been collecting Twine games made by students ( as reference and to showcase. They may be more useful to you and your students than the faculty made ones. That list continues to grow as I stumble upon more Twine student projects.
Anyways, love seeing your work. Let me know if you need anything, always happy to help where I can.
Several of the games have their permissions set so that people outside of your organization can’t play them. I tried to play 3 games and 2 of them (Help: Mexico and Tragic) gave me permission errors.