10 Things I Hunger For

Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 42 seconds

I just recently registered for a writing for Love and Liberation course, and they send weekly (?) writing prompts and inspiration. One of the prompts I received today is to write 10 things I hunger for.

This part is inspired by Joy Harjo’s Eagle Poem (shared as part of the course):

"To pray, you open your whole self" 
"To know there is more
That you can't see, can't hear
Can't know except in moments"

10 Things I Hunger For

  1. Learning 
  2. Connection with others
  3. Spiritual connection
  4. Connection with my family
  5. Experimentation
  6. Freedom
  7. Being useful to others
  8. Making a difference in the world
  9. Joy 
  10. Love

I do want to say that it’s not like those things I hunger for are things I don’t have enough of in my life, or I don’t seek them enough. I do. But I guess with things like Learning, no matter how satisfied I am doing it, I always have capacity for more? It’s like, I can never reach my cap of how much Learning I want to have? I am always striving for more? Same with most of them, although I think I may need to invest more in Connection with family, because I can get a lot done with very little effort to connect with my students and colleagues, but with family it needs a lot more sustained intention and action, and it is a lot more complex and important. The bring useful to others and making a difference to the world is one that I think many people don’t have, though possibly many who read my blog are educators and probably do have?

We were encouraged to listen to particular music while writing this, but I was writing it late night and early morning, so I didn’t. But if you want to do the exercise yourself, one of the songs is: Why Do We Hunger for Beauty by Steve Bell and it is beautiful.

Header image of baby birds in a nest opening mouths to receive food from their mom (I assume) by barskefranck on Pixabay

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