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I am so in love with the Internet Health Report 2018.
There are links to key categories and each link takes you to a description of the issue and several articles that give context and detail. Topics are privacy, openness digital inclusion, decentralization and web literacy
My idea would be for groups of students to choose one of the categories, and depending on group size, read a number of the articles there and present to class. A further step would be to read more articles on the topic and/or produce some kind of artifact to explain the issue to others.
Maha, brilliant idea! Thank you for sharing. I am going to try to fit it in this coming semester, including having them create something not just for our class, but for an audience of their choosing. They are all grad students and practicing teachers. I expect the results will be awesome. I’d love to share or exchange. Will you be trying this out in your course soon?
Hi Anna yes. Soon. I will DM you
Thanks so much for this link, Maha. I’m using this report for the first, group document in my Composition I course this term. Most timely.
In a course i teach on ‘reviewing IS research’ they’d have to interrogate the methodology of the report and talk about the ‘politics’ of it – who wrote/funded it, why, other issues. I like this approach to teaching generally 🙂
This particular report?