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I was re-reading the Audrey Test which Audrey Watters wrote to guide critical questions around #edtech.
So I just realized I could basically design a course project around @audreywatters Audrey Test for #edtech where students explored all the questions in her blogpost, in pairs for example, and produced something useful with it.
Thanks Audrey— ℳąhą Bąℓi, PhD مها بالي 🌵 (@Bali_Maha) August 7, 2018
My original idea was to use it in my class as a group project where different students worked on different questions (of the extended not main questions) early on in a new equity in edtech course I am designing- because it goes all the way towards learning about learning theories as well as asking questions about tech. Instead of teaching all these things, different pairs/teams would work on questions then share with the larger group. Presentations and discussions, then maybe then produce as a class an OER on the topic?
My second thought was for a project for students to apply the Audrey test to a tech company or app. I am unsure if this is actually doable, but Remi and Nate tell me have taken the Audrey test
Great idea for course design & critical approach to teaching about #edtech. The only org I know of (please inform me of others!) who has *publicly* answered the Audrey Test is @hypothes_is. I’m not surprised. If you design this course @Bali_Maha include that response as model.
— Remi Kalir (@remikalir) August 8, 2018
Thanks for mentioning that. Remi! Since we took the “Audrey Test”, we’ve made substantial progress on accessibility. You can find our original post here and our accessibility dashboard is linked on every page in our footer:
— Nate Angell (@xolotl) August 8, 2018
Funny thing is how Audrey finishes her blogpost as if it really is a test or assignment before reminding us it is more important to keep asking and discussing questions than to answer them. I may ask students to add their own questions to the Audrey test and call it something more contextual…based on maybe how we know Egypt uses edtech or something…
Hi Maha,
I saw your original tweet about this assignment idea and had to go back and read Audrey’s post. What a fantastic idea, I will have to keep this in mind for the next ed tech class I consult on. I’m interested to hear how it goes.
Seeing you idea reminded me of a similar (ish) assignment Adam Croom is doing with his students, “Annotating Ed Tech Terms of Service” As separate or combined project ideas I think there is some potential there for ed tech classes.
Oh yeah. Jade Davis was first person I saw who decided to talk Terms of Service in class. I can never pull it off because it bores me to death, tho I always have it on my syllabus!!!