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About My Educational Game Design Course

(the below is a copy of an email I sent to a colleague at work whom I have asked to help me out with the assessment of the Twi

Mindful (in)attention?

This post is inspired by a post by Alan Levine where he makes this call: Because, I conjecture, if you can hone your senses fo

Connecting, the “old way” :)

I was about to write this post, when i saw Susan Watson’s post, in which she takes walks (as in, with her legs?) and not

Twitter Scavenger Hunt for Nov 4th – Update

This is a blogpost to update everyone who volunteered to help me out with my students’ Twitter Scavenger Hunt on Nov 4th

Somewhere between a #dailyconnect & #dailycreate

I’m gonna call this post multi-inspired. Today’s #ccourses #dailyconnect is to “write your community”,

Why I Am Interested in #ccourses #ccresearch

So here is just a quick post to explain why I am interested in doing #ccourses research, which we are tagging #ccresearch I

How fast do you type? On text vs rich media #nugget

So we’ve moved onto a new unit of #ccourses while i was… Distracted 🙂 And we’re being encouraged to creat

Hybrid culture & language – the case of me :)

So this blogpost is a response to a question Laura Gogia asked me in private but which I am guessing many people who have not

#remixthediss – playing with Susan and Laura’s writing for #dailyconnect

(This post is part of today’s #ccourses #dailyconnect – in it, I don’t borrow the full writing style but an

Can less be more in an age of abundance?

I’m biting off more than I can chew. I know it. I can’t help it. I will one day learn to say no. I will. Just not