Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 3 seconds

Connected Birthday

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 3 seconds

OK, I may be taking the whole “connected” theme a bit far (I already took the “why” theme a bit far, too) but this one… bear with me on this one…

I’ve always had a “connected” birthday. I have a cousin whose bday is exactly 10 years before mine; a cousin-in-law, same bday, few years apart; 2 second-cousins, same day, few years apart, and a colleague at work who shares my first name AND my bday (different years again). So my bday is connected in a way. Ever since facebook reminders, more ppl than you can imagine magically (not) remember your bday…but this year what was cool is that lots of them (not just my closest friends) actually CALLED to say happy bday, not just posted on my fb wall. Then there was the close friend whom I had not met in ages who is exactly 2 days older than me, who decided to tell the whole world how old I am πŸ™‚ Luckily, I’m not sensitive about it yet πŸ˜‰ But I won’t write it down in case I become sensitive about it later πŸ˜‰

ANYWAY – I had the best Twitter birthday ever πŸ™‚

This morning, I got the following adorable tweets from my online friends Simon, Kevin and Terry:

At some point, Simon sent me this video of his students singing (couldn’t hear the sound at first, but heard it now as I wrote this blogpost): He called it “Presence for Maha” (which I take as a play on presents/presence):

Then he tweeted me this soundcloud of his students singing happy birthday (awwww):

Then Kevin remixed into this video (awwww):

(err how do I embed the below, Kevin? will go search)

And, separately, Terry created this zeega for me (he actually went and found the sound of some Egyptians singing happy birthday and added it – my daughter and mom fell in love at first sight/sound of this American friend of mine doing this):

And so… my response… Simon asked for sights/sounds. Didn’t have time to do sights, so here is the sound of me singing “Thank you for the music” (well 30 secs of it or so):

So thank you guys for making it really really awesome and special πŸ™‚ Love you all

13 thoughts on “Connected Birthday

  1. Love this! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Can’t believe i missed it yesterday… tweettweettweeting and missed it completely (sad and sorry face). Hope you had a wonderful day.

    This is a perfect example of connecting and creating πŸ™‚

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