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What If We Create a Culture of “Transparent Assessment” (AI & AI)

I woke up this morning with this thought, related to Academic Integity (AI) and Artificial Intelligence (the other AI). What i

Behind the Scenes: Intentionally Equitable Hospitality Series in January

In case you haven’t heard yet, Equity Unbound is kicking off 2023 with an Intentionally Equitable Hospitality series as

Looking back at 2022… Looking forward… And an offering of Intentionally Equitable Hospitality

Yesterday, I participated in a lovely session, a celebration with the NDB (Never Done Before) community – a community I

Awareness & Action in Intentionally Equitable Hospitality

I was thinking recently about Intentionally Equitable Hospitality, and the role of awareness and action in how it all plays ou

Courage, Joy, and Other Intangible Learning Outcomes

I always enjoy reading through my students’ reflections towards the end of the semester. Seeing the course through their

Delightful Assignments: Wellness Gift Basket

I am always so so stressed at end of semester when I am supposed to do the grading for the last few assignments and post grade

Welcoming Beyond Facilitation (Less Visible Elements of Intentionally Equitable Hospitality)

I was in conversation with Mia Zamora and Rissa Sorensen-Unruh yesterday reflecting on MYFest and Intentionally Equitable Hosp

The Year Fasting in Ramadan Saved My Jaw

I wrote back in 2018 about my experience of being diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, and how handshakes hurt me so much that

Reflecting on Visual Frameworks #GameStorming

I’m always up for learning new things, especially new approaches to facilitation. Most recently, I’ve been partici

How Ms. Marvel Led Us to Feminist Quranic Interpretation

So I remember the moment I discovered there was a Muslim female superhero – Ms. Marvel, Kamala Khan. I remember ordering