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Talking about hacking my PhD thesis for #clmooc

Ok, I say “for” #clmooc, but of course it’s for myself inspired by #clmooc. I am inspired here by Michael We

On Subversion

I have been thinking about subversion/subersiveness for a couple of days. First because folks on the #clmooc facebook group ha

Games, cheating, aggression and our inner “bad”?

What does cheating in a game say about us? What about when cheating is the object of the game? What about aggression? Is aggre

Role play or “acting” to promote empathy?

I think about empathy a lot, it’s one of those things that’s a “research area” for me that I have not

Hack the #literatti to teach sustainability #clmooc

Here is a hack I am doing on the Litterati game, something shared on clmooc google+ (thanks to Janis Selby Jones for posting i

Gaming, parenting, and the myth of best practice

I promise there’s a relationship between all three of the things in my title, so let me just go ahead and make it explic

Hack the Folk Tale/Nursery Rhyme Game #clmoocgames

I have sooooo much I want to share about games, but I also want a chance to read what others in clmooc are doing this make cyc

Cows, owls, dogs and cultural context matters

So this make cycle of clmooc is about creating memes. I hadn’t really heard of the term before, but they explained it pr

My MOOC will go on and on? Dealing with withdrawal symptoms

I write this post as we near the end of #tvsz – and I usually start getting withdrawal symptoms as something like this &

My #tvsz #antidote post

This post is a case of doing something “because I can” not “because I want to”… And also “