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Listening slowly, A+ and Social Media

We all know some people talk too fast (or slow) but is it possible to listen too slowly? When I was an undergrad, I had the pr

Embracing Paradox: Both/And Mentality and Postmodernism

Some days you find yourself in multiple conversations and you find a common thread between them that you feel compelled to lin

Learning with Passion, and a Social Justice View

I just listened to an awesome TTT hangout and read two great articles, and have some ideas i wanna implementing my class and n

@edcontexts + connectedlearning.tv = gr8 July webinars

I am happy to finally announce the connectedlearning.tv July webinar series, which I am curating along with my good friend and

Participatory Emergent Inclusion? And #techquity

So… Following on from y/day’s (well technically, this morning’s) post on the inevitability of exclusion̷

Inevitable Exclusion – symbols, hashtags, and networked spaces

Exclusion is not always intentional. Exclusion is not always a choice. But it is almost always inevitable. Bear with me on wha

Quick Initiative, Slow Follow-Through

In my old job at Prcoter and Gamble, one of the characteristics they looked for beside things like communication, intepersonal

Embracing Emergence

Embracing emergence. This is something that’s being talked about simulataneously in different places (not sure if itR

Ashamed. Suspiciously so

I am calling myself out. If you know me as I think I know myself you know I lean towards being an extremely open and trusting

Research idea: #rhizo15, Hospitality and Invasion?

I had a brainstorm as I was making breakfast so blogging it before it disappears. Would anyone be interested in exploring #rhi