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Hack or “just” #remixthediss ?

This post is inspired by two live events scheduled today Oct 10: a #digped chat at 3pm EST and a live discussion between Cathy

Writing on Command

For someone who’s a compulsive blogger/writer, for someone who comes up with research ideas almost daily… I find i

A reason to go to #et4online 2015 – meet @BonStewart

The Call for Proposals for #et4online has just opened up (open til Dec 1), and I’ve decided to write a series of posts o

Chicken/egg reflections on intercultural maturity, criticality, & open-connectedness

Humor is contextual, isn’t it? My dad was an avid reader of Archie comics and MAD magazine. By the time I was 7 I was go

U know u really know someone when…

You know you really know someone when someone else misunderstands something they’ve written/said, and you are able to co

Digital Citizenship pedagogy: props n metaphors

I just HAD to blog about this. Looking at #oclmooc’s week 2 on digital citizenship (totally worth a look, and another lo

Untitled and messy: trust in the blogosphere

This post is gonna be so messy, but it really needs to get written. I don’t know how on earth I managed to read so many

On the Americanization of Freedom in “Little Brother”

Before I begin my postcolonial rant on this book, let me first say this: I’m loving this novel, Little Brother by Cory D

Participant suggestions for #ccourses – building social capital & trust

How amazing is it that three of the suggestions that came out of Monday’s #ccourses twitter chat (which I co-facilitated

To trust, or not to trust…

I didn’t think I’d be blogging about this today. I’d already written a post about trust a bit earlier than t