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Class idea: Edu Game Hack-a-thon

So I came across this really simple but interesting post about educational games (funny I got the tweet thru a work colleague

It’s work, it’s a game… It’s #TvsZ

It was kind of (but not really) funny trying to explain #TvsZ to my husband the other day. Let’s ignore the fact that yo

The View from the Center of #TvsZ 6.0

I have like 5 blogposts in my head but this is the most urgent one because I wanted to capture the thoughts in my head (side n

Good “virgin” cMOOCs & good “makes”

This post is a complex (but rather obvious, really) epiphany inspired by blogposts Alan Levine and Paul Signorelli (though pro

Reframing f2f vs 3D

I remember I first noticed the term meeting someone in 3D on twitter (i think it was @adamheid who used it) and thinking: WOAH

When I’m No Longer Little…

When I’m no longer little, I promise that I’ll remember what it felt like to be little. To be belittled. To be mad

Emergent writing, emergent teaching

I was having a conversation with Michael Weller on twitter the other day, about our different approaches to writing, and it oc

Good, Bad, Very Bad, and REALLY Really Bad

Yes, I’m kind of hacking Alan Levine’s blogpost title and there is a reason for that. The idea I am hacking from A

Thoughts on co-learning

I’m really excited about the upcoming unit in #ccourses about co-learning. And with Howard Rheingold, Mia Zamora and Ale

Reporting on Twitter Scavenger Hunt

If you’re new here and don’t know the backstory, I had a Twitter Scavenger Hunt with my students on Nov 4 to intro