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More articles on social justice and digital colonialism

I’m still reading around these topics a bit more intensively than usual and taking notes and blogging just to keep my th

Social justice, design justice, pluralist feminism and indigeneity

I started writing this blogpost on my commute to work this morning but someone called me before I saved and apparently I lost

Creative Commons Then & Now: Egypt Perspective

One of the cool things about the Creative Commons educators course I’m currently taking (aside from a really well-writte

Listening and Epistemic Injustice

So I’ve written a couple of posts about listening. I love that I was writing simply about listening. And honestly, to a

Lip Service Listening

I recently wrote a post recommending a new approach to listening. This post attempts to concisely explain a kind of surface li

How We Feel About What We Write and Teach

I came across this list of notable Africa American literature (thanks Remi Kalir) and decided to go to the Kindle store and ge

Negotiating Lateness Policies with Students

I’m still having this conversation with myself about late work and deadlines in my class. I’m on holiday so don

The Relativity/Subjectivity of Numbers

I am in a place right now that’s making me think of how numbers, supposedly the most objective, neutral things we use to

My involvement with CC

This is still me pre-reading on the Creative Commons for Educators course beginning in January. I am really attracted to the p

A New Approach for Listening

This post is mainly about listening to faculty as faculty developers, and listening yo students as teachers. It is triggered b