Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 13 seconds

Hi Frances, I was making a point about misunderstandings. Much of what is in this post did not happen, but I was soliciting ideas for things that could get misunderstood. Meaning: I know no one wished me dead; I was making a point that someone could misunderstand something. Which is why I end the post with “exactly” – I know no one wished me dead – I was trying to say another person may do things that hurt me unintentionally (and I don’t mention those here and never did because I assume it’s not intended, and move on). My point here was not to solicit support from friends (I don’t need to blog to get that) but to make a point about misunderstandings. In all directions. About how a convo that seems to be going smoothly from one perspective could be seen completely differently from another perspective