Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 9 seconds
I just had my second iteration of the Twitter Scavenger hunt today. It was SO MUCH FUN
Thanks to all my online friends who participated in making it more fun for my students. As with last time:
- Many students were confused at first but eventually did well
- Students were so amazed that someone responded to them that NO ONE asked for a prize after they got responses (I actually don’t have a surprise for them – I made them realize that getting a response from someone is its own reward)
Additionally, more than last time:
- Students didn’t feel the time go by!! One of the most hyperactive students said “why do you want us to leave already? Oh my God class time is already over? I didn’t feel it”
- Students found MORE stuff than I imagined possible as they searched for edu games stuff written by Egyptian/Arab writers!!!
OK… looking forward to their blogpost reflections…
One thing that did not go well was that the Tweetdeck and my iPad were not refreshing the hashtag quickly enough and the socioviz did not look too accurate. I’ll storify soon!
Here is the handout I gave students:
Here is the TAGS Explorer
Here is the Storify from day 1
Here is the socioviz from day 1 (couldn’t upload the pic so I tweeted it and linked to the tweet):
I love this, especially students discovering the work by Egyptian & Arab designers. Thinking about how I might adapt this with my high school students…
So much good learning here, Maha. It sounds like fun; wish I could join in! Btw I thought that Tweetdeck didn’t exist on ipad any more.
It doesn’t. I had it open on the big screen (thru teacher computer) and some students were using laptops (tho i don’t think any were using tweetdeck)