Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 51 seconds

Thanks for your very full response and the link to the hangout – I will watch it. It has made me think and I may even blog about it. I put ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ in quotes to signify my questioning of the concepts with respect to a cMOOC. I think you are reading too much into what were actually questions. In your blog post and replies I think that there might be a category confusion between a cMOOC and the third discourse within a cMOOC. I appreciate what you say about unconferencing and socialising (believe it or not I do it myself 😉 But it’s not all of learning I think. It’s a serious challenge for all learning events (face to face classes, online courses, etc.) to sustain the consideration of alternative perspectives, to explore ideas with people who may not agree with you or even like you (or you them).