Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 21 seconds

I found your ideas very useful Mali. Your blogging style is so friendly I am sure that everyone will like you but in some ways, I wonder if that is always important. I value reading the posts of some people whose views are very different from mine because they make me think. I even like people to come and argue with me at my blog. I didn’t realise how important my blog was to me until I lost several years worth of posts – it was like a bereavement.
Two of the things that make us vulnerable on social media are vicious attacks (trolling) and misunderstanding. The first is very difficult to handle but with the second we can do something about it with the help of our commenters. We can be very clear that questions and comments are welcome and get into dialogue with our commenters. With this sort of dialogue we may (even slightly) change our understanding of the world and so might our commenters.
This is more difficult on social media like Facebook where the dialogue is so fast-moving and more open to mis-interpretation somehow.