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oh I would love to comment on this.

I started blogging since 2005 and I discovered it as a freshmen undergraduate student because I saw upperclassmen blogging. I loved to write as much as I talk too much just about anything. One day I tried blogging and of course it was a personal blog and there I learned it all about life, internet, blogging… much the hard way. People hated me as well as ruined couple of relationships because of blogging. But it was a good thing I learned it while I was young. =)) I could attribute it to immaturity. And it was really petty stuff anyway. So it’s good I discovered it when I was young and “googling people” wasn’t as popular yet.

I’ve had tons of blogs since 2005, but I don’t blog continuously. I would blog for a season, then stop for a long time. Then feel the want to blog again.. and it always a new blog every time (I delete the old ones too.. with fear of I might have said something before that I would regret in the future.)

But it turns out I really do love to blog. I like to speak. I like writing. Formal or not. It’s my space. I still have the freedom to blog and say whatever I want but now, after all the past experiences, I now know there should also be caution. I totally agree with vulnerability. You are exposing your mind to the world and it also means people who would counter-attack your thoughts.

I have tried to make an anonymous blog before.. but it also didn’t last.

Last September 2013, I came across a person who was blogging and tweeting her experiences while doing her thesis and it helped her. So I tried her strategy, and I made a new blog and a new twitter account (even though I wasn’t really a twitter person tho). It was mainly for private space without no intention to connect with people but I like the results. I don’t mind networking 🙂

I like the theme of my blog right now, that it focuses on the theme of education & learning and less on personal “diary”. For the past month I have made personal posts (just because I had a habit of it), but just yesterday and the other day I cleaned my blog and deleted the too personal posts. 😀 By too personal I meant, things that I did yesterday or last week or for the past few days.

In the old days, I blog and I tended to focus on getting readers… But now, I focus less on getting readers… I blog for myself. It’s my self-therapy. It’s nice if somebody reads it and leave a comment. But it doesn’t really matter to me. I actually don’t mind having my own little corner in the web where nobody even knows it exists. SO I guess… when it comes to standards… I don’t have any.

I just like blogging as a therapeutic way to organize my thoughts or sometimes just put it into writing.