Estimated reading time: 5 minutes, 24 seconds

Yes! I learned from you all those years(?) ago how to search for photo metaphors. I took that photo as a metaphor immediately. It’s v hard for me to post photos on my blog coz i blog from my phone app which is faulty w the uploads and at work i get issues so i just put my stuff on Flickr then use ur attribution helper to embed but make it large instead of small. All those steps. Should be a click of a button but NOOOO. Almost as hard as it for a subaltern voice to be heard in academia lol. But I agree w u re interpretation of the image. Could go any number of ways. The purple could be me and pink tree is Hybrid Pedagogy who reached out and supported me to get where I am today. I sort of climbed on and they let me. But i am an only lonely there (not for long!)