Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 46 seconds

If people were denied free speech, there’s still no way to stop free thought in the privacy of someone’s mind so if you want access to thoughts as things of value, but don’t know what they may be, best to begin with no restrictions or conditions, let them talk, see what comes out and the unacceptable junk they can keep quietly to themselves. You are free to have any thought you want.
At the end of Butler’s blog she mentions the possibility of wrecking community values by promoting all speech as equal when some speech is disrespectful or damaging. The American model of free speech comes from the sanctity of the individual preceding even the first amendment so prior to even opening your mouth your right to be an undisturbed-by-any-conditions kind of individual is set in place. So in a sense, as the receiver of what may be entirely unedited comment, you MUST learn to be insensitive to their speech. The primary right here is to not listen to what others say.

Of course if we would prefer to live together and in contact as a community we might decide to temper our freedom at least enough to engage in a responsive dialog with the world.