Estimated reading time: 5 minutes, 27 seconds

Beautiful article Maha, especially liked the the observation that unschooled learners tend to want to “own” their learning–claim it as theirs. I remember being told it was anti-social or selfish to not want help when to me it seemed like someone else wanted to boss my ideas around or correct ME–like that was any of their business to just go stomping around in my brain:-(
Pauline mentions adults and an allowance for self-consciousness needs to be made but maybe we resist being taught as a unconscious reaction to the feeling of being corrected or deemed “incomplete.” While processing things (usually slowly with lots of side paths) being “taught” often feels like too early an intervention that interrupts my method of discovery. Or maybe I just don’t accept things the same way others do? My younger Daughter tells me that all the time but won’t ask her what she means:-)