Estimated reading time: 6 minutes, 9 seconds

A “good” school does not assess three year olds for admission. Private schools are all about making money and they try to pick the “best” kids to enhance their earning power – those are the kids who most fit into their curriculum and way of doing things. I’ve put four kids through Middle Eastern schools and have another starting next year. Several years ago one of my kids’ teachers called me to complain and said, “Your son is not interested in memorizing the multiplication table.” I’m forry. I laughed and said, “What kid is interested in doing that?!” Always support your kids and they will be fine. Schools universally suck. As long as the kid is happy, keep them in a school, and as soon as they complain, yank them out. It doesn’t matter if they change every year, as long as they are not brutalized by idiotic teachers. Good luck!