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Most Fulfilling Week of My Life: Alwan Masr Camp

Last week was possibly the most fulfilling week of my life. From an idea that came up in a voice note exchange with a friend,

Why Is My Attitude Towards Generative AI Different From Previous AI in Education?

Someone recently wrote about how ChatGPT and similar generative AI are not really “edtech”, they were not develope

Cultivating Compassionate Community to Foster Academic Integrity? (with @Yasser_Tammer)

I, Maha, am working on multiple things, including a paper with Alysia Wright in Calgary, and I’m trying to clarify a tho

Upcoming Conversations Around AI

I’ve been thinking, writing, speaking, workshopping, conversing and experimenting around AI for 4 months straight now, a

What I Mean When I Say Critical AI Literacy

To unpack this, we should first maybe unpack crticial, AI, and literacy. By critical, I mean this in multiple senses of the wo

Promoting Critical AI Literacies in Egypt

So I have been giving talks around AI all over the place recently, and I thought I might as well at least share ONE of the rec

Have I Got an AI Assignment for You! Speculative AI Futures – Inspiration & Creation

So if you’re getting stuck on what kind of assignment to give your students next, try this one. Invite your students to

Reflections for Education and Parenting from Extended Mind: Movement

I’m still reading The Extended Mind by Annie Paul Murphy and here are some reflections from chapters 2 and 3 on Movement

Warm & Joyful Emails: Emailing with Intentionally Equitable Hospitality #EmbraceEquity #IWD2023

Someone recently told me that my emails spark joy for them, and previously, especially during the pandemic, people told me tha

Are We Approaching a Postplagiarism Era?

So in case you missed it, the wonderful Sarah Elaine Eaton recently blogged about the 6 Tenets of the Postplagiarism Era, whic