Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 46 seconds
So I was trying to put the logo for CC-BY-NC-SA logo on a couple of presentations of mine, and I could only find ones that had either Dollar signs or Euro signs.
These were both presentations to UK audiences and I felt like, given today’s Brexit stuff, Euros would not go down too well… and like, dollars, well those are irrelevant. I tried searching “CC-BY-NC-SA” and adding the words GBP, UK or Sterling and… nothing. I’m sure it’s there somewhere. I’m almost sure I’ve seen it, even.
But here’s the thing. Why does it have to be any particular currency at all? why isn’t the logo something more generic, like a bag of money or something? or a coin? Or a stack of cash? Not clear enough from a distance? But, well, my currency doesn’t have a fancy ASCII character and… you know… why should I have to pick someone else’s currency to represent money?