Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 58 seconds

I’m curious about the missing bit of Derrida’s past too. The reference came up in a google search: ‘Jacques Derrida+Stranger’. Picked it because it jumps around in a way that I think Keith’s brain does on vacation:-) Restless. I’m reading the Stanford University Press publication “Of Hospitality, Anne Dufourmantelle Invites Jacques Derrida To Respond” which gives text and commentary / interpretation of 2 lectures: “Foreigner Question” and “Step of Hospitality / No Hospitality.”

Kate’s comment on the indivisibility of guest and host has me thinking about how I sometimes arrive as a guest assuming to topic of conversation will naturally be me. Unfolding my map I begin the lecture… Obviously, my etiquette as a guest needs some work to tone down The-Barbarian-in-the-Tea-Parlor schtick I seem fond of:-)

Hospitality seems like a tension concept. Something that will never have a definitive resolution. Derrida’s spunky Rhizome?