Estimated reading time: 7 minutes, 35 seconds

Picked up Illich on the medical system though I’m reading a book on caring in nursing first. Charles Taylor wrote “The Ethic of Authenticity” and I may go back to soon and try to find a connection to hospitality–I’m sure it’s there.

As for Intention Management (IM), not sure where this came from though I think from Noam Chomsky or Communication Studies. I’d define IM as hiding neglect behind an expression of good intentions. Like when I was fired my boss pointed out, “you weren’t happy here” as if she was removing a burden of anguish from my battered soul. Considering that staff at the college has dropped over 50% in the last 6 years she might also have noted my pioneering role in preparing the path for others:-)

You’re right Maha, kids see right through a “yes” meant to please. Our kids would reply with that hamburger commercial saying “Oh yeah, well where’s the beef?” > < and I think they saw an insincere promise as saying something would probably not happen.

When the college here opened it was part of treaty negotiations where the government could steal all the First Nations' land to give to the logging and oil industries. The school started out pretty decent but now ranks worst in the province and no longer provides the culturally sensitive specialized teachers adept at training for the Native population. Instead, "upgrading" has been moved back to the public schools where the kids have already experienced failure. The whole thing is sold as enabling self-determination when it's really abandonment of obligation based on an imbalanced relationship. Theft.