I showed my intro students chatGPT in class the other day. It was only the last few minutes of class as I had a hard time getting on. I am going to be talking about it within the course to see what my students think about it. (note to readers, I teach instructional designers at the Masters level).
For my more advanced course, we have our first sync session tonight, so I will talk about it then – and the idea of how one might use it to write or help write blog posts for your portfolio. I haven’t really figured out how citation should work – does citing chatCPT anthropomorphize it? Aren’t the prompts the skill rather than the output? You need to learn how to ask it the right questions in order to get it output something that is meaningful.
As per bias – in the session yesterday, one of the examples was a comparison of face-to-face and online learning. The response was very biased towards face-to-face learning. I wonder what would happen if you asked it to write the same paragraph with a bias towards favouring online learning?