Estimated reading time: 5 minutes, 39 seconds

Hi. My name is Helen and I work in Ontario, Canada. It’s good to see you working to connect educators. I came across this site through Twitter so connecting through social media works!

I work with teacher candidates and have done some conference presentations – I often use Linoit or Padlet to get everyone sharing. If you have reliable internet at the conference, everyone can access these Web 2.0 tools without having to sign up for an account. You would need to have and account and can share the ‘board’ with people in the room either through a link or embed it into your presentation file. The ‘sticky’ notes on these digital boards can be seen by everyone – I always ask people to put their initials to ‘claim ownership and authorship’.

Here are examples from the OPEN and accessible course I teach (Media and Digital Literacy, MDL4000) showing how I embedded a
– Linoit that the students accessed while they were physically in class to post ideas about Web 2.0

– Padlet that the students accessed while they were physically in the classroom to post their ideas about technology:

If you would like to connect further, you can ‘tweet’ me @HJ_DeWaard