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Whole-class Augmented Reality Game a la Pokémon Go?

​I have been following articles about Pokemon Go and thought it might be interesting to have my students next semester read

Request for Feedback on My Students’ Game Ideas

As I did last semester, I would like to invite anyone who is willing to give feedback to my students on their educational game

Twitter Scavenger Hunt Spring 2016 – April 4

I’ve done Twitter Scavenger hunts several times now. I do them as a way to get students to play on Twitter, discover a g

A Taster of Edu Game Design on Day 1

This semester, I decided to be more involved in the creativity course I am co-teaching. I am not sure I will manage to commit

Educational Game About Education: brainstorming

So I suddenly realized there was a missed opportunity in my educational game design module. I focused on teaching my students

Condensing Assignment Instructions to 140 Chars?

I have had a bit of trouble this semester with students who don’t read instructions thoroughly. So I posted about it on

Feedback for My Student Edu Games Please

I am hoping folks from my PLN will be able to take a little bit of time out of the busy end-of-semester time to give feedback

New Educational Game Idea

This is a game I am brainstorming for next semester. It’s to teach students about educational game design. I do differen


This is gonna be a post of jumbled up thoughts but hopefully writing it out will help me get somewhere with this… It kin

Considering Teaching with SOLE Approach

It just so happened that three entirely different people mentioned SOLEs to me within a short 2-month period. They are Sean Mi