
I decided to have a section of resources on my blog, but since I don’t yet have a particular breakdown of the resources, I am calling this section “ReadThis”. These are links to certain resources I refer to frequently on my blog and in my life anyway, so it’s also useful for me to keep all the links in one place šŸ™‚ Right now, it’s got only articles, not books…

Introduction to Curriculum Theory – one of the most valuable things I learned about in my PhD was curriculum theory (will always be thankful to my supervisor for suggesting it) – if interested, follow up on the references in that article, particularly Cornbleth and Grundy, as well as Stenhouse. Kelly provides a good textbook-style intro if you want scaffolding or to use it with younger students.

Beyond Rigor is one of my favorite articles of all-time, for how it challenges traditional notions of what constitutes rigor in academic work.

Other favorite Hybrid Pedagogy articles include: Kris Shaffer’s Three Lines of Resistance and Open Letter to My Students. On Syllabi, I love Adam Heidebrink-Bruno’s Syllabus as Manifesto: A Critical Approach to Classroom Culture ; and I love two Chris Friend articles that are really mind-opening for me: Learning to Let Go: Listening to Students in Discussion & Finding My Voice as a Minority Teacher (paradigm-shifter for me)

For a complex discussion of power, I love Burbules, especially A Theory of Power in Education

This Tyranny of Structurelessness by Jo Freeman is a really important read.

For a complicated poststructuralist view of critical pedagogy, I have read and re-read and re-re-read Ellsworth, Why Doesn’t This Feel Empowering?

This White Supremacy Culture by Tema Okun reading is also really useful as a self-check.

This article by Andy Nobes is exemplary for how it brings in voices of global South scholars on openness – voices that do not write in English, and he makes them accessible to English speakers. It’s also an actually really good article because it’s based on strong critical voices of African scholars such as Mboa from Cameroon.

Not about education per se, but an incredibly moving article by Lina Mounzer, War in Translation: Giving Voice to the Women of Syria.

Ideas for ways to structure dialogue creatively and in equitable ways

I love Michael Apple’s, Ron Barnett’s, Edward Said’s and Jon Nixon’s writing but need to find one that’s an article not a book, to share šŸ™‚ I also love bell hooks and Martha Nussbaum – but again, books not articles.

Will post more soon…

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