Estimated reading time: 5 minutes, 25 seconds

Very intriguing line of thought, Maha. I don’t draw, but your description was evocative of a young me. I came from a rural background so had none of the boundaries and self preservation that urban children learn to grow up with. Way too late in life I was still wandering around with head and heart and eyes and mouth open to the world.

I am retired now and upon life reflection, I think these qualities brought me some pain but overall served me well. I’m still teaching one class a term and still trying new things, trying one last time before I go to get it right.

Which is to say, how old is this character going to be? Cuz those qualities you outlined are not limited by age or gender or color. Clearly this is an opportunity for a fun Alien Open Educator!

I look forward to what you and your collaborators come up with!